
big FAT update!

Has it really been almost 2 months since I have written a new post? I wish I had an excuse as to why I haven't kept up with my blog, but truthfully, instead of using my free time to keep up with my posts I have been using it to catch up on my t.v. shows. . . like I said, I wish I had a better excuse! So here's to a big fat update. A LOT has happened in these past two months with Knox and changes in my life as well. First we will start with me, as my changes aren't as big as Knox's accomplishments :) A few months ago my dear friend, Katie Christy, approached me to help her out with her growing photography business. She took on her own business and it grew faster than I think she knew it would, which is an awesome thing, but overwhelming for her. I felt really fortunate and honored that she asked me to be her assistant. I hope to help her out as much as possible. She's a great boss, awesome photographer, and more importantly, an awesome friend. I'm excited to help her with her business and watch it grow. There are exciting things happening! If you haven't seen her work, here are a few candid moments of our family captured by her amazing eye. . .

Anyways, as you can see, she is super talented! Click here to check out some more of her awesome work!

On to Knox. 

Can you believe our little guy is 8 months old! It's so hard to believe in 20 days he will be 9 months . . time truly does fly by in the blink of an eye. At his 7 month check up (yes, I said 7. . I'm a horrible mom and didn't schedule his 6 month check up until he was 7 months. . forgive me.) Anyways, at his well child check up his awesome doctor, Dr. Julie Morrow, said he is right on track and he looks/acts fantastic. Have I mentioned how much I love her? He weighed in at 20lbs and was 28 1/2 inches long! Our son has almost tripled his weight and almost grown 10 inches! I look at newborns now and find it hard to believe he was once that size.  He hasn't started crawling yet, but he "rocks" on all 4's constantly. . . so I'm guessing crawling will be any day now (which I am secretly dreading!) I would be perfectly fine if he didn't crawl or walk at all :) Not really, but I'm not ready to leave behind the days when I can walk out of the room knowing he is perfectly fine. . . and in the same place as I left him. He is showing signs of wanting to walk, so he could be one of those babies that never crawls and goes straight to walking. . we shall see! I just realized I haven't updated since Halloween so here's a recap of then until now:

For Halloween Knox was a big, bad, BAT :)

He hated every second of being in this costume :) Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year, so hopefully he will be more excited to dress up next year!

This month was full of lots of new tricks. . 

and. . 

October was also a big month for words and expressions :)


I'm horrible, but I can't remember if Knox started feeding himself his bottle this month or 7 months. . . either way,  he can now feed him self which is like a whole new world to Scottie and me :)

7 months was a blast. . they seriously get more fun the older they get. Don't get me wrong, I do miss the newborn days of when he use to sleep on my chest. . 

Knox loves cows :)

Knox also found out in order to add a few inches to his "reach" lifting a leg in the air would help :)

And here we are at 8 months! My life with this little guy is so fulfilling! I honestly can say, I can't remember life without him in it. He's the best thing that has ever happened to Scottie and I. He continues to teach us something new about ourselves every single day. My favorite moments are watching my two boys play together. I love being in the other room listening to Scott teaching Knox new things. Knox has made Scott grow into a loving, responsible, Dad. It's incredible to watch, and I am so glad I can witness the love in Scottie's eyes grow day by day for this little guy :) God is good. 
Like I said, here we are at 8 months, and Christmas is approaching! Christmas is one of the best memories I have as a child. I remember getting home from my Granny's on Christmas Eve. . setting out cookies, milk, and carrots for the Reindeer of course, then going to bed anxiously peeking out my window looking for "Rudolph." I could hardly wait for Christmas morning. . and I don't think I missed a year that I didn't wake up in the middle of the night to get a peek at what Santa had brought me :) I can only hope Knox will have these same memories. . I am SO SO excited for Christmas with a kid! 

Peace, Happiness, and until next time. . . 


  1. Oh my goodness, Knox is sooooooooo cute (and so is his hat)! I love all the family pictures!

  2. Knox is such a cutie and you are one beautiful mama! Loved the post! Miss you friend!
