I have now joined the 2010 world! I joined twitter last night (ShannyShum11) and now I created a blog this morning. . what has gotten in to me? Perhaps it's wanting to be part of what everyone else is doing, maybe it's the caffeine, or maybe it's the fact that I am now a stay at home Mom with some time on my hands. . either way, here I am. I am excited to begin this journey of blogging. I hope to keep you updated on the happenings in the Shumsky household. Knox is now almost 4 months old and I haven't even laid my hands on his baby book. I know, I know what kind of mother am I to not document his every move, smile, activity and so on. . . truth is I am sure most of you mothers out there can relate. Who wants to work on a baby book when you can snooze while the little one is napping? When you can sit in a moment of silence, even if it only lasts 10 minutes? Well instead of a baby book, I will blog about his accomplishments. . . oh technology :) bye bye baby book, hello blog! To catch you up on what he is doing here is a recap of the last 4 months:
month 1:
-Can't really recall anything about the first month. Maybe it's because I was a walking zombie. . a breast feeding machine, doing everything I could to "survive."
-I can tell you that I miss him sleeping on my chest and the pure innocence of a newborn. . . and the smell of him, and the feeling that you can never really explain, the feeling of being a mother for the first time.
-Knox weighed 7lbs 2 oz and was 19 inches when he was born.
Month 2:
-I can remember more about this month. . sleep was starting to become part of my vocabulary again.
-Knox smiled for the first time this month. . maybe it was gas, but I like to think it was an intentional smile at his momma :)
-A bottle was introduced (finally Daddy can help feed!) and the little man enjoyed it thoroughly. He enjoyed it so much, by the end of this month he demanded a #2 nipple (which usually aren't introduced until 3 months) He likes his food, and he likes to eat it fast!
-Knox started sleeping 5-6 hours at night for me, which was like heaven! 5 hours of sleep made me feel like a brand new woman! He also started sleeping in his crib!
-He started "talking" this month. Making "goo" noises. . .
-His favorite toy this month was Mr. Star. . . Mr. Star was magical to him. For those of you who don't know, Mr. Star is a star that attaches to his play gym. It lights up and plays songs. . for those of you who spent time with us this month, you can probably hum the tunes in your sleep :)
-the boy is active! he likes to run, run, run. . this explains all the kicking he was doing while inside my belly!
-Knox went for his first swim at 2 1/2 months! He hated it at first, but then enjoyed it after he warmed up. .
-Who could forget about George. George was Knox's best friend this month. We couldn't do anything or go anywhere without George. George is Knox's pacifier, in case you were wondering.
-He weighed 11.7 and measured 24 inches at his check up this month which landed him in the 50% of his weight and 75% of his height.
Month 3:
-Knox started sleeping through the night this month. . thank you baby wise! There were times I felt tired because I was getting too much sleep. . WOW!
-We also got rid of the swaddle this month!
-like I said before, he loves his food and I can't supply enough for him so we started supplementing with formula this month. At first, I was sad and disappointed I couldn't make enough milk for him.. . I kind of felt like I was giving him poison the first time I fed him formula! I know, I know. . babies drink formula all the time, but my baby didn't! I wanted to be one of those moms who exclusively breast fed until solids were introduced. . . this proves that you can make all the plans you want before your child is born, but after your little bambino is here you suddenly realize he has a mind of his own :) A #3 nipple was introduced at the end of this month as well (which usually aren't supposed to be introduced until 6 months!) He really loves his food. . the end.
-Cereal was introduced this month. He hated it.
-He accomplished holding his head up this month. . no more bobble head :)
-He definitely found his voice. I think he is going to be an entertainer when he grows up. All he wants to do is talk, talk, talk, and scream! Yes, he loves to hear himself scream. It's cute.
-He loves to explore, with his mouth.
-He also started laughing this month :) Nothing better than hearing baby giggles!
-George is a thing of the past. He only wants it if he is in his car seat. He found his fingers to comfort him instead. .
And here we are 1 day away from being 4 months! I'm sure there were a lot more milestones and things he accomplished in the first 3 months, but like I said. . I haven't gone near his baby book or even remembered to write anything down. Horrible mother? I think not. I am a mother in the year 2010 with a lot on my plate, or maybe I am just lazy. But here's to "writing" all of my son's accomplishments down now. Cheers :)
As I play around with my new blog (which means trying to figure it out bc I am, after all, computer retarded) I leave you with this:
"A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie." ~ Tenneva Jordan