
beyond thankful

My heart is heavy tonight as I came across a recent post on a friends blog. I truly hope she doesn't mind me sharing, but for some reason I feel the need to. . I guess to get the word out so all of you reading this can keep her and her family in your prayers.  Leslie was pregnant with twins. Her water broke when she was at 19 weeks. They were able to stabilize her and the babies up to 21 weeks. Then baby a, a girl was born stillborn this last Sunday. They tried to keep her from having baby b and she unfortunately did and that baby was unable to make it due to lack of lung function. Leslie, had an amniotic embolism which supposedly hasn't been heard of since the 40's and only one recorded time since this. But, she had a heart attack, and was without oxygen for 17 minutes, her kidneys have failed and she's been put on dialysis, she's been placed on a ventilator and started at 100% oxygen but has started breathing at 60% on her own, which is good. She was seizing but that has decreased, and her blood pressure was low, however, that has gone up to normal and meds have been reduced which is good. There is risk of brain damage, heart problems and other organ damage. EEG shows improvements and stabilization, Leslie hasn't responded to touch or sound but her pupil's dilate with light- which is good. Please join the Loving Leslie facebook page for complete updates and progress on her condition. . 


It's stories like this that make me beyond thankful to have such a healthy son. . to see him grow and develop each and every day. . . to see the innocence and love in his beautiful blue eyes. To see how excited he gets at discovering and trying new things. Like today for instance, he had his first ride on a swing. . 

I don't know what I did to deserve such great joy, but I am beyond thankful to have so much love in my life. . and I am beyond thankful to be a mother. . 

My everything. . . 

Please continue to pray for Leslie and her family in this challenging time. Be thankful for what you have and don't take anything for granted. . 


1 year ago. .

Happy Anniversary to us! It is truly hard to believe I became Mrs. Shumsky one year ago yesterday, but I remember the night like it was last weekend. It was a perfect fall day, which is something I asked friends and family to pray for. October weather can be very tricky, especially for an outdoor wedding. Prayers were answered. It turned out to be a gorgeous sun shiny day, without a cloud in the sky. . temperature was in the upper 70's, my idea of perfect. I remember being amazed at how calm I was. I was pretty sure, up until the "big day" I would be a total nervous wreck. Come to find out, Scottie was the one who almost fainted minutes before we took the plunge :) Everything went the way I imagined. I walked down the isle at sunset to Coldplay, of course, to a teary eyed Groom. It was really sweet. We said our vows, shared some intimate moments with our family and friends, then danced the night away at our reception. We topped the night off with a limo ride to the Colcord. A special thanks to my mom and dad who took the "tab" that night. Without them, it wouldn't have been possible. Another thanks to all of our family and friends who shared our special night with us. People say your first year of marriage is the hardest. Try throwing a kid in the mix, then come talk to me :) No, really, marriage is nothing short of amazing. I cannot imagine life without Scottie. We have definitely had our trials and tribulations, but those challenges have only made us stronger. Scottie is my best friend, of course we don't always agree on everything, but the Lord brought us together 5 years ago for a reason. Marriage is a journey, something that you have to work at every single day. It is also the best journey I have been on so far. . . motherhood being the second best!

So here's to 10.2.2009! What a wonderful, crazy, hard, amazing, challenging, life changing year this has been. . I can only imagine what the future holds for us. Enjoy a few pics from our wedding night. .